
Francis Bacon: From Picasso to Velazquez

Francis Bacon
Composition (Figure), 1933
Pastel, pen, and ink on paper, mounted on card
53.5 x 40 cm
Colección Abelló, Madrid
© The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved
DACS/VEGAP, Bilbao, 2016
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Francis Bacon
‘Fury’, ca. 1944
Oil and pastel on fiberboard
94 x 74 cm
Private collection
© The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved
DACS/VEGAP, Bilbao, 2016
Photo: Prudence Cuming Associates Ltd.
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Francis Bacon
‘Study after Velazquez’,1950
Oil on canvas
198 x 137 cm
Private collection
© The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved
DACS/VEGAP, Bilbao, 2016
Photo: Prudence Cuming Associates Ltd.
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Francis Bacon
Three Studies for a Crucifixion, 1962
Oil on canvas, three panels
198.1 x 144.8 cm, each panel
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 64.1700
© The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved
DACS/VEGAP, Bilbao, 2016
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Francis Bacon
Three Studies of Figures on Beds, 1972
Oil and pastel on canvas
Three panels, 198 x 147.5 cm each
Esther Grether Family Collection
© The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved.
DACS/VEGAP. Bilbao, 2016
Photo:  Bildpunkt AG, Münchenstein
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Francis Bacon
Study for Self-Portrait, 1976
Oil and pastel on canvas
198 x 147.5 cm
Art Gallery of New South Wales, Purchased 1978
© The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved
DACS/VEGAP, Bilbao, 2016
Photo: © Jenni Carter, Viscopy
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Francis Bacon
Portrait of Michel Leiris, 1976
Oil on canvas
34 x 29 cm
Centre Pompidou, Paris – Musée national d’art moderne. Centre de création industrielle, Donation Louise et Michel Leiris, 1984
© The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved
DACS/VEGAP, Bilbao, 2016
Photo © Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Bertrand Prévost
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Francis Bacon
Study for Self-Portrait, 1981
Oil, pastel and dry transfer lettering on canvas
198 x 147.5 cm
Private collection
© The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved
DACS/VEGAP, Bilbao, 2016
Photo: Prudence Cuming Associates Ltd.
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Francis Bacon
Study of a Bull, 1991
Oil, aerosol paint and dust on canvas
198 x 147.5 cm
Private collection, London
© The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved
DACS/VEGAP, Bilbao, 2016
Photo: Prudence Cuming Associates Ltd.
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El Greco
Saint Francis in Prayer Before the Crucifix, ca. 1585
Oil on canvas
105.5 x 86.5 cm
Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao
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Diego Velázquez
The Buffoon el Primo, 1644
Oil on canvas
106.5 x 82.5 cm
Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid
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Pablo Picasso
Composition (Female Figure at the Beach) [Composition (Figure féminine sur une plage)], 1927
Oil on canvas
18.8 x 17.6 cm
Private collection
© Sucesión Pablo Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid 2016
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Alberto Giacometti
Buste of a Man in a frame (Buste d’homme dans un cadre), ca. 1946
Oil on canvas
28.1 x 22.4 cm
Fondation Alberto et Annette Giacometti, Paris
© Alberto Giacometti Estate, VEGAP, 2016
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