
Sam Tailor-Johnson: Sigh

Sam-Taylor Johnson
Sigh, 2008
8 screen projection
Duration: 8 minutes 37 seconds
© Sam Taylor-Johnson. All rights reserved, DACS 2015. Courtesy White Cube
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Sam-Taylor Johnson
Sigh, 2008
8 screen projection
Duration: 8 minutes 37 seconds
© Sam Taylor-Johnson. All rights reserved, DACS 2015. Courtesy White Cube
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Sam-Taylor Johnson
Sigh, 2008
8 screen projection
Duration: 8 minutes 37 seconds
© Sam Taylor-Johnson. All rights reserved, DACS 2015. Courtesy White Cube
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Sam-Taylor Johnson
Sigh, 2008
8 screen projection
Duration: 8 minutes 37 seconds
© Sam Taylor-Johnson. All rights reserved, DACS 2015. Courtesy White Cube
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Sam-Taylor Johnson
Sigh, 2008
8 screen projection
Duration: 8 minutes 37 seconds
© Sam Taylor-Johnson. All rights reserved, DACS 2015. Courtesy White Cube
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