
Martha Jungwirth

Retrato de Martha Jungwirth

Portrait of Martha Jungwirth
Photo © Shawn Dell
Courtesy Thaddaeus Ropac gallery, London · Paris · Salzburg · Seoul

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Martha Jungwirth
Here and Now and Never Again (Hier und jetzt und nie wieder), 1982-83
Watercolor on paper
211.6 x 221 cm
Centre Pompidou, Paris, Musée national d'art moderne / Centre de création industrielle, Don des Amis du Centre Pompidou, Cercle International, 2021
© Martha Jungwirth, Bilbao, 2024
Photo © Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Audrey Laurans

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Martha Jungwirth
Untitled, 1990
Oil on thin cardboard over canvas
186 x 142 cm
The Nixon Collection
© Martha Jungwirth, Bilbao, 2024
Photo Auktionshaus im Kinsky GmbH, Vienna

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Martha Jungwirth
Untitled, from the Series Spittelauer Lände (Ohne Titel, aus der Serie Spittelauer Lände), 1993
Watercolor on paper
190 x 210 cm
The Albertina Museum, Vienna – The Haselsteiner Family Collection
© Martha Jungwirth, Bilbao, 2024

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Martha Jungwirth
Untitled, from the Series Nausicaa (Ohne Titel, aus der Serie Nausikaa), 2001
Watercolor on handmade paper
140 x 105 cm
Museum Liaunig
© Martha Jungwirth, Bilbao, 2024
Photo © Museum Liaunig

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Martha Jungwirth
Empty Quarter, from the Series Yemen (Leeres Viertel, aus der Serie Jemen), 2005
Watercolor on handmade paper
104 x 140 cm
Private collection
© Martha Jungwirth, Bilbao, 2024
Courtesy: Galerie Krinzinger & Martha Jungwirth

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Martha Jungwirth
Portrait U. K. (Porträt U. K.), 2019
235 x 195 cm
Oil on paper over canvas
Sammlung Öesterreichische Nationalbank
© Martha Jungwirth, Bilbao, 2024
Photo OeNB

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Martha Jungwirth
Untitled, from the Series Australidelphia (Ohne Titel, aus der Serie Australidelphia), 2020
Oil on paper
244 x 593 cm
Thaddaeus Ropac Gallery, London · Paris · Salzburg · Seoul
© Martha Jungwirth, Bilbao, 2024
Photo Elmar Bertsch

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Martha Jungwirth
Untitled, from the Series Australidelphia (Ohne Titel, aus der Serie Australidelphia), 2020
Oil on paper over canvas
241.5 x 330.9 cm
Private collection, London
© Martha Jungwirth, Bilbao, 2024
Photo Charles Duprat

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Martha Jungwirth
Artist Book (Malbuch), 2020s
Oil on paper (cashbook pages)
50 x 74 cm (open)
Private collection
© Martha Jungwirth, Bilbao, 2024
Photo Ulrich Ghezzi

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Martha Jungwirth
Bukephalos, 2021
Oil on paper over canvas
248 x 264 cm
Nicoletta Fiorucci Collection
© Martha Jungwirth, Bilbao, 2024
Photo Lisa Rastl

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Martha Jungwirth
La Grande Armée, 2021
Oil on paper
235 x 704.5 cm
Alex & Gabriela Davidoff Collection
© Martha Jungwirth, Bilbao, 2024
Photo Charles Duprat

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Martha Jungwirth
Bull (Stier), 2020
Oil on paper over canvas
144.5 x 208.5 cm
Private collection
© Martha Jungwirth, Bilbao, 2024
Photo Lisa Rastl

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Martha Jungwirth
Untitled, from the Series Francisco de Goya, Witches’ Flight (Ohne Titel, aus der Serie Fracisco de Goya, Flug der Hexen), 2022
Oil on paper over canvas
242.6 x 281 cm
Buffalo AKG Art Museum, George B. and Jenny R. Mathews Fund, 2022
© Martha Jungwirth, Bilbao, 2024
Photo Ulrich Ghezzi

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Martha Jungwirth
Maja III, from the Series Francisco de Goya, Maja (Maja III, aus der Serie Francisco de Goya, Maja), 2022
Oil on paper over canvas
264.5 x 226.8 cm
Alkar Contemporary Collection (ACC), Bilbao
© Martha Jungwirth, Bilbao, 2024
Photo Ulrich Ghezzi

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