
Henri Michaux. The Other Side

Henri Michaux
The Night Prince (Le Prince de la nuit), 1937
Watercolor and gouache on black paper
323 x 245 mm
Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris.
Gift Mr. Daniel Cordier, 1976.
© Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Philippe Migeat

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Henri Michaux
Untitled, 1938
Watercolor and gouache on black paper
230 x 305 mm
Private collection
© Archives Henri Michaux, VEGAP, Bilbao, 2018
Photo: Jean-Louis Losi

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Henri Michaux
Untitled, 1938–39
Gouache on black paper
100 x 130 mm
Private collection, Paris
© Archives Henri Michaux, VEGAP, Bilbao, 2018
Photo: Jean-Louis Losi

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Henri Michaux
Untitled, 1944
India ink on paper
240 x 320 mm
Private collection
© Archives Henri Michaux, VEGAP, Bilbao, 2018
Photo: Jean-Louis Losi

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Henri Michaux
Untitled, 1950
India ink on honeycomb paper
320 x 240 mm
Private collection
© Archives Henri Michaux, VEGAP, Bilbao, 2018
© FMGB Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa
Photo: Erika Barahona Ede

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Henri Michaux
Untitled, 1956
India ink and pencil on paper ​
240 x 162 mm
Private collection
© Archives Henri Michaux, VEGAP, Bilbao, 2018

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Henri Michaux
Mescaline painting (Peinture mescalinienne), 1956
Oil and gouache on paper
420 x 270 mm
Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris.
Gift Mr. Daniel Cordier, 1976.
© Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Philippe Migeat
© Archives Henri Michaux, VEGAP, Bilbao, 2018
© FMGB Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa
Photo: Erika Barahona Ede

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Henri Michaux
Untitled, 1970
Watercolor and acrylic on paper
560 x 375 mm
Private collection
© Archives Henri Michaux, VEGAP, Bilbao, 2018
© FMGB Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa
Photo: Erika Barahona Ede

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Henri Michaux
Untitled, 1979
India ink on paper
640 x 905 mm
Private collection
© Archives Henri Michaux, VEGAP, Bilbao, 2018
Photo: Jean-Louis Losi

Henri Michaux
Untitled, 1980
India ink on Japanese paper
207 x 702 mm
Private collection
© Archives Henri Michaux, VEGAP, Bilbao, 2018
Photo: Jean-Louis Losi

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Henri Michaux
Untitled, 1981
Acrylic, India ink and pencil on paper
500 x 650 mm
Private collection
© Archives Henri Michaux, VEGAP, Bilbao, 2018

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Henri Michaux
Untitled, 1981
Watercolor on paper
367 x 270 mm
Private collection
© Archives Henri Michaux, VEGAP, Bilbao, 2018
© FMGB Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa
Photo: Erika Barahona Ede

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Henri Michaux
Untitled, 1982
Ink and watercolor on paper
500 x 325 mm
Private collection, France
© Archives Henri Michaux, VEGAP, Bilbao, 2018
Photo : Suzanne Nagy

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